Friday, September 12, 2014

Victoria, British Columbia

28 August – 4 September

We decided to take a short break from the Texas heat and go to Victoria, BC, Canada for a few days. We flew from DFW to Seattle, changed planes and flew across to Vancouver Island. Coming home reversed the process.

We chose to stay in The Empress Hotel located right on Victoria’s inner harbor. The historic property met our expectations. We booked “Fairmont’s Gold Service” and had access to a private lounge and the services of dedicated staff. Our harbor view room provided spectacular views. We enjoyed "Afternoon Tea" in  the historic lobby twice.

We visited The Butchart Gardens twice. The flowers and landscaping defy explanation. Pictures work best.

This ad for the gardens appeared on the hotel lawn several times.

The “Classic Boat Festival” occurred over Labor Day Weekend and we walked down to the docks in front of the hotel for a closer look.

We even took photos when they sailed out at the end of the show.

Some of the many water taxis perform the “World Famous Water Ballet” to music played over loudspeakers. We saw it once from the docks and twice more from our room.

We enjoyed seeing the city and walking around in the cool weather.

One afternoon we walked across the street for a self-guided tour of the British Columbia Parliament Building. At night the structure is outlined in lights.

Another time we visited the British Columbia Museum with its fascinating displays.

As one of the bus drivers said, “Victorians are spoiled for choice when it comes to seafood.” We ate in several places and never had a bad meal. We really enjoyed the city and hope to return.