Thursday, April 6, 2017


5 April 2017

Twelve of us from Watermere, along with our driver Raul, rode the bus to Ennis to see bluebonnets. We left the Clubhouse about 9:15 and drove about an hour-and-a-half to reach Ennis, which bills itself as “The Bluebonnet City.” After stopping at the “Visitors’ Center” for directions, we drove a loop off Texas Highway 34 West. Near Lake Bardwell, we took a side road and found a field abloom with Indian Paintbrushes, Bluebonnets and other wildflowers. From there we drove back to Ennis proper for lunch at Wildflower CafĂ©, a glorified tearoom. We had to wait a while to be seated, but enjoyed lunch. The fact that the cafe had only one unisex restroom and that everyone had to stand in line to pay for lunch, slowed the process some, too. After lunch, we stopped at Kolache Depot for anyone who wanted to buy some pastries to get them. From there, we drove a loop east of I—45 to see more wildflowers before returning to Watermere. We arrived about 4:15.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Peace, Love & Flower Power
Dallas Arboretum
21 March 2017

Seven of us left Watermere at 9:30 for a trip to the Dallas Arboretum. It was their annual “Dallas Blooms” display. Upon arrival, we walked the grounds, ate lunch and left about 1:30. We enjoyed seeing and photographing the flowers and blooming trees, but we were a week or two past “peak bloom.”